+10 thousand kilometers built

Periodic updates with new kilometers for you to travel around Brazil.

🥰 We love what we do

We have been developing and updating the most comprehensive Euro Truck Simulator 2 map in Brazil for over 8 years.

Constant updates!

Like you, we love this game, and we always release new updates to improve and complement our map <3.

Real Physics

+100 cities in 7 states: RS, SC, PR, SP, MG, RJ, and MS. 75 fully simulated and 29 representative.

Brazil Abroad

Our cities are simulated using real images, so you can find places in the game identical to the real world.

Easy Purchase

Pay via Bank Transfer, Pix, or Mercado Pago.

🔎 Attention even to the smallest details

Nós respiramos Euro Truck Simulator 2, a ponto de nos preocuparmos com todos os detalhes, para entregar a melhor experiência para você, olha como nossos mapas são lindos 👇

📰 Latest news

Everything about the RBR Map updates and tips on how to make the most of this experience on Brazil's highways.

Para 2025!

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